Watch: Case Study: A New Medical Logistics Venture Searches for the Right WMS
A case study with TriVenture Logistics LLC, a medical logistics company, and warehouse management system provider Tecsys.
TriVenture Logistics LLC is a for-profit medical logistics provider owned by five nonprofit health systems in the state of Georgia. Chief financial officer Brandy Peterson and chief operating officer Zachary Daniell were both previously part of Distribution Cooperative Inc., owned by six health systems in the state. For the new venture, they needed a warehouse management system that could meet the unique needs of medical logistics while allowing for growth at a profit-making venture in the coming years.
“The goal was to be extremely transparent about how we get widgets from manufacturers to the hospital,” says Peterson. “We needed a very clear path on how much money it takes to move boxes.”
Peterson and Daniell didn’t have to go far for a WMS. At DCI, they had been utilizing the software of Tecsys for some eight years. The challenge now was to adapt that tool to meet the needs of a third-party logistics provider.
Daniell says TVL was especially attracted to Tecsys because of its associated user group, which regularly met to share ideas on how best to utilize the WMS. Don Martin, platinum application specialist with Tecsys, stresses the close relationship that the vendor had established with Peterson and Daniell’s previous company. “We’re very familiar with each other,” he says. “We work very well together.”
Given the complexity of today’s WMS model, implementation of the Tecsys product wasn’t exactly “plug and play,” Daniell says. “WMS has come an extremely long way from the old green screens to the technological capabilities it has today.” Of particular importance to TVL was the system’s ability to integrate with its electronic data interchange capabilities and blockchain technology.
The Tecsys WMS provides TVL with the ability to add warehouses as it grows. For the future, TVL is keen on deploying the vendor’s billing management software. “That’s the part I’m excited about,” Peterson says.